Uniformed Security at Clarion Hotel on Route 73 in Mount Laurel, NJ

Clarion Hotel Route 73

On February 22, 2025, the Armed Uniformed Division of Blackstone Security Group, LLC was retained by Mr. Ibrahim Firoz of ARS Hospitality, LLC., to provide armed overnight security job at The Clarion Hotel located at 1111 N. Route 73 in Mount Laurel, New Jersey near the NJ Turnpike entrance.

Throughout the night, seven nights a week, one armed highly visible uniformed officer will be patrolling the parking and checking exterior doors and windows while the hotel is under construction and renovation. The goal is to minimize the opportunity for people and undesirable individuals from trespassing on the property while deterring break ins, vandalism, graffiti, theft and causing further damage. The detail will continue until construction is complete.