Has Your Church or Synagogue Considered Armed Private Security?

Has Your Church or Synagogue Considered Armed Private Security?

Has Your Church or Synagogue Considered Armed Private Security?Has your church or synagogue considered armed private security? It’s a question none of us like to ask ourselves, but it’s an unfortunate reality of the times we live in. You simply never know what is going to happen, and whenever you can, you should take measures to protect the members of your church or synagogue community.

If your church has been receiving threats or you are seeing suspicious activity, you should never take what you’re seeing lightly. Reach out to the Blackstone Security Group today and take steps to keep your place of worship safe. Our founder, Dave Ollivier, is a licensed private investigator and a Marine Corps Veteran, and spent 15 years protecting the public as a police officer and police detective.

Your Church and Synagogue Armed Private Security Experts

Blackstone is a fully licensed and insured private security firm based in South Jersey, serving all of New Jersey and the greater New York and Philadelphia areas. We have extensive knowledge in security systems, and we can assess your facility and find any weaknesses, greatly improve your security, and reduce your risk. If you have a solid prevention plan in place, your place of worship becomes a more difficult target, and it can limit harm if violence does occur.

When you call on us for armed private security and protection, we perform an emergency preparedness assessment that identifies where your preparedness can be improved. We take the time to review crisis planning, security staffing and operational practices, physical security measures and much more. After the assessment, we meet with you to put a plan in place. Our aim is to provide every layer of protection possible, and to ensure the safety of your church or synagogue’s attendees. (You can find out more about our security assessments here.)

We also provide K-9 services for an extra layer of protection. Our K-9 service teams are specially trained and can stand ready to get the job done…with explosive sweeps, a high visibility security presence, and catching criminals fleeing from a scene. In many cases the presence of K-9 protection services at churches and synagogues is enough to make bad guys think twice.

So while the question is always difficult to face, you may have to face it: has your church or synagogue considered armed private security? If not, it may be time to get started before it’s too late. Reach out to Blackstone Security Group today, and get started on a plan to best protect your patrons. The safety of your church and synagogue members is too important to risk.